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Title of the article: Heraldry as a component of Russian and British semiotics: traditions and borrowings
Author(s): SKLIZKOVA E. V.
Section: Culturology
Year: 2015
Issue: № 1, (35)
Pages: 44-54
Index UDK: 304.2
Index BBK: 71.4
Abstract: Heraldry is one of the most complicated and impressive manifestations of sign systems. The problem consists in comparative analysis of the identical semiotic aspect within the scope of different types of culture. Russian and British semiotics, going back to the times of paganism, possesses equal typological features, based on the shared Indo-European component. The systems of signs borrowed by both cultures are also common. The main difference can be observed in symbols connected with Baptism, and can be explained by confession distinctions and advanced national self-consciousness. The origin of European coat-of-arms was the result of private ownership manifestation, war as sociocultural phenomenon, of the East, and traditions of Germanic tribes. In Russia there was no chivalry as the background as it was in European heraldry. Russian heraldry was developing on the base of local tradition of signs of property. For Russia heraldry as a phenomenon of compulsory set of strictly characteristics is borrowed and has rather a political reason. Heraldry is developing also in present days, mostly in the social sphere, playing an important role in attribution, assisting in of economic and cultural relations, serving intensive means of cultural and agitation. Now it is important to create essentially new emblems (of state matter including) accepting traditional practice of coat-of-arms composition.
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