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Title of the article: Homonymy as one of the poles on ambiguity scale of language play in advertising
Author(s): AMIRI L. P.
Section: Philology and Literary Criticism
Year: 2015
Issue: № 1, (35)
Pages: 110-121
Index UDK: 81''42:659.1
Index BBK: 81
Abstract: This article is devoted to the phenomenon of homonymy as one of the lexical varieties of language play. The author’s purpose is to represent a picture of usual and occasional (or temporal) implementation of homonymy as a source of language play in the discourse of advertising communication. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the phenomenon of homonymy as a kind of language play. The object of the study is modern advertising texts. The characteristics of spontaneous and nonce homonymy as means of imparting an intentional polysemy to the text are considered. The term «temporal homonymy» is introduced; the combinatorial nature of language play is characterized through the creation of puns; and the issue of the relation between the level of expression and the level of content is raised with respect to the realization of the sign in its context using material from advertising texts which contain language play. The article concludes that the language play with homonymy is unique, and as one of the simplest kinds of language play in the way it is formed, it allows to reproduce a complex mechanism of text interpretation as for its implementation
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