Title of the article: | The metatext «The eternal feminine»: representation in some texts of national culture |
Author(s): | LEBEDEV V. YU, FEDOROV A. V. |
Section: | Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies |
Year: | 2015 |
Issue: | № 2, (36) |
Pages: | 29-45 |
Index UDK: | 1(470)(091)+82.091+316.733 |
Index BBK: | 87.3(2)6+83.3(2 Рос) |
Abstract: | By comparing different cultural texts several researchers highlighted the larger structural units, metatexts, as large-scale concepts embodied by various authors in different cultural settings. One such text topos is the idea of the «Eternal Feminine», which was first seen in European culture in the Middle ages and especially the Renaissance. Later this idea was embodied in the cultural currents of modern and contemporary periods, especially in the direction of romanticism and classicism. This metatext, being shaped by the Faustian culture, finds expression not only in the texts of European authors (Goethe), but also in Russian culture. The genesis of the ideas of the «Eternal Feminine» in Russian literature can be easily traced from the ideas of V. Solovyov about «Sophia, Divine Wisdom», in which the idea of the «eternal feminine» was embodied, to «a confirmed Solovyov follower» A. Blok. It was in a number of poetic works by this author that the transition from the image of the «Eternal Feminine» Absolute to the Absolute of the earthly world («Stranger») and then to «desecrated Sofia» (poem «the Twelve») is clearly visible for the first time. A number of key features allows you to analyze and recognize some more works of Russian culture as texts that have similar cultural and philosophical basis: «Doctor Zhivago» by Boris Pasternak, «The Quiet Don» by Mikhail Sholokhov and, with certain reservations, «Lolita» by Vladimir Nabokov. Therefore, through the comparison of the original sample points indicated in the text, the conclusion about synchronic and diachronic relationship of a number of texts of Russian culture is made. |
Keywords: | «Eternal Feminine», metatext, the divine Sophia, Faustian culture, Anime, Silver age |
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