Title of the article: | Phenomenological and receptive aspects of aesthetic experience. |
Author(s): | BYCHKOV V. V., MANKOVSKAYA N. B. |
Section: | Theory and History of Art |
Year: | 2015 |
Issue: | № 2, (36) |
Pages: | 179-194 |
Index UDK: | 7.011 |
Index BBK: | 85.03+87.8 |
Abstract: | Aesthetic experience as an experience of mastering aesthetic reality is fully realized within the inner world of an aesthetically prepared recipient, where all operations are performed with an intentional aesthetic object, which is different from an aesthetic object. The process of aesthetic perception (which is the foundation of aesthetic experience) in this case has three phases (or steps): 1. aesthetic attitude; 2. primary emotion; 3. spiritual-eidetic exploration of the aesthetic object; and 4. aesthetic contemplation, which transcends the limits of the work and reaches metaphysical reality. The highest phases of aesthetic experience is realized only when the following three elements are present: an object of high aesthetic quality; a highly developed aesthetic subject; an attitude to perceive the object purely aesthetically if possible. |
Keywords: | aesthetic experience, aesthetic perception, aesthetic object, spiritual pleasure, art, phenomenology of art |
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