Title of the article: | The evolution of ethical concepts and the phenomenon of «willpower» in anthropology of I. A. Goncharov |
Author(s): | MELNIK V. I. |
Section: | Philology and Literary Criticism |
Year: | 2015 |
Issue: | № 2, (36) |
Pages: | 123-135 |
Index UDK: | 821.161.1 |
Index BBK: | 83.3(2Рос=Рус)1-8 Гончаров И. А. |
Abstract: | The anthropology of Goncharov reflects the balance and the interpenetration of normative secular and Christian ethics. This structural feature of the writer’s anthropology is not revealed immediately, but only at the end of the novel trilogy. The notion of ‘willpower’ plays a crucial role in his writings. The subject of ‘willpower’ had been fundamental to Goncharov since as early as the 1840s, well before the advent of Schopenhauer in the European philosophy. In «A Common Story», Peter Aduev thinks highly of his ability to control his feelings, but it is only the outward sign of will. The character is in fact weak-willed and morally doomed, hence his last name (from Russian «Ad», hell). In the novel «Oblomov», Schtoltz and Oblomov set the goal of moral perfection and demonstrate the true will, although they fail to reach their goals. In «The Precipice», the protagonists’ will aims at reaching a moral ideal, an undertaking unachievable without the help from above. It is in this novel that Goncharov raises the question about the role of Divine Providence, Will and Mercy in the life of people. The main characters of the novel experience a moral lapse and, having been taught a lesson, prepare themselves for a moral resurrection. Their character sketches are based on the evangelic model of «deification» of people: transgression – repentance – resurrection. Hence the last name of the protagonist — Raisky (from Russian «Rai», Heaven). The author values resurrecting characters more than the ones who have never transgressed. The anthropology of Goncharov contains several «blessed» characters who are not subject to temptation and who therefore do not make fatal mistakes and do not take irreparable steps. These characters are less vivid and talented, and they lack a strong personality. What unites them are a pure heart, innocence, simplicity and childishness, but most importantly — a blissful nature. In «The Precipice», the religious anthropology prevailed, and, in a sense, the novel went beyond the artistic possibilities of traditional realism, a fact noted by the author himself. |
Keywords: | Goncharov, ethics, anthropology, will, evolution, epic trilogy, Christian religion |
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