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Title of the article: The socio-cultural role of pets in the life of urban dwellers (historical-psychological aspect)


Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2015
Issue: № 4, (38)
Pages: 70-80
Index UDK: 008+94.47
Index BBK: 63.5
Abstract: The paper presents a cultural and historical analysis of changing attitudes to animals in Russian culture. The tendency to increase the number of domestic animals and their diversity in modern families of city dwellers determines the high relevance of the study of this area of urban culture. Analysis of classic and contemporary ethnographic, culturological, philosophical and psychological aspects emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of this topic. The parallel between the evolution of humanity and the process of domestication of animals, i.e., co-evolution, allows us to trace the interaction of man and animal from ancient times to the present. A new idealistic one replaces the usual pragmatic relationship to animals. The change of perception in the system «man-animal» can be explained by the contemporary research, the propensity of citizens to anthropomorphize animals. The citizen perception of the image of a pet as an object of nature may be studied with the ethnofunctional approach in psychology based on cultural component.
Keywords: modern urban culture, anthropomorphism, domestication, pets, co-evolution, interspecies communication, environmental deprivation, Ethnofunctional paradigm
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