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Title of the article: Mythological transhumanism in Russian culture
Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2016
Issue: № 1 (39)
Pages: 13-26
Index UDK: 17.023.3
Index BBK: 87.7
Abstract: Transhumanism, i.e. human striving to achieve immortality and divinity, has been a crucial part of human teleology for as long as humans have been conscious of themselves. In each historic and cultural period, this striving assumed various forms (pagan Germanic self-deification through death, Christian theosis). In today’s secular ametaphysical culture, self-deification through death becomes either self-deification in death (vampirism), or animality (shape-shifting). In the post-Soviet culture, philosophical aspects of mythological transhumanism give way to the sociopolitical aspects, and both vampirism and shape-shifting are used as an allegorical means to promote tolerance and general acceptance regardless of any possible differences. Transhumanism as a scientific project, however, paradoxically posits transhumanism as the metaphysical goal of humankind.
Keywords: transhumanism, self-deification, theosis, vampirism, shape-shifting, metaphysics, the ametaphysical
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