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Title of the article: Interpretation of byzantine spirituality and ideological heritage in Russian religious and philosophical thought of the nineteenth – early XXI centuries
Author(s): Bazhov S. I.
Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2016
Issue: № 3 (41)
Pages: 37-51
Index UDK: 1 (091)
Index BBK: 87.3
Abstract: The paper highlights for the first time in the mainstream of historical-philosophical approach such a substantive aspect of Russian religious-philosophical thought of XIX–XX centuries as interpretations of the Byzantine theme (that is, increased attention, until re-actualization, to the Byzantine spiritual heritage, which is evaluated positively or negatively) in the views of P. Ya. Chaadaev, K. N. Leont’ev, G. V. Florovsky, A. S. Panarin, S. S. Horuzhy, M. N. Gromov and others. It reveals the motivation of the actualization of the Byzantine theme in Russian religious-philosophical discourse. Most attention is paid to the characterization of beliefs of A. S. Panarin, and G. V. Florovsky. Byzantine theme has two aspects in the interpretation of A. S. Panarin. The Byzantine Orthodox tradition is considered one of the important bases of identity of Russian civilization. Eastern Christian-oriented interpretation of the Russian civilizational identity does not allow to attribute it to purely Western or Asian types of identity that has implications for cultural and political self-determination of Russia. The second aspect of dealing with Byzantine theme by Panarin is determined by the recognition of its relevance in religious and philosophical terms, as a source of a special type of religious worldviews associated with the experience of space energies of the Orthodox tradition. The Byzantine theme is central in the religious-philosophical and theological works of Georges Florovsky. In the interpretation of Florovsky, theological and philosophical potential of the Byzantine Orthodox tradition was most fully revealed in the age of Palamit disputes. It preserves the value of the sample for subsequent centuries as for its structure and partly in terms of content. This sample was taken into account in the formulation of theological and philosophical program of neopatristic synthesis by Florovsky.
Keywords: Byzantine spiritual and ideological legacy, Russian religious philosophy of XIXth – XXIth century, A. S. Panarin, G. V. Florovsky, neopatristic synthesis. Received: March 03, 2016
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