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Title of the article: THEATER OF OUR DISCONTENT
Author(s): Bashinjaghyan N. Z.
Section: History of Arts
Year: 2016
Issue: № 4 (42)
Pages: 174-184
Index UDK: УДК 792.2
Index BBK: ББК 85.334
Abstract: The article is dedicated to a number of issues, or rather “sore spots” of Polish theater of the last few years. The object of an article is a case study based on a specific examples of leading directors of present-day Polish stage — Jerzy Grzegorzewski, Krystian Lupa, Kshishstof Warlikowski, Gzhegozh Jarzyna, Maiia Kleczewska, Jan Klata — of successful realization of classics and modern drama or, on the contrary, the exploitation of “stylish” expressive moves (right up to spilling unlimited amount of stage blood or motiveless nudity) of the world theater, in reliance on groundlings. Various interpretations of the world (Shakespeare, Chekhov), national classics (Wyspjanski) and modern play are also under study.
Keywords: Polish theater, director`s staging, Polish drama, audience`s perception, expressive image, tradition, innovating.
Bibliography: 1 Burovskii A. M. Bytovoi fon nasiliia. Literaturnye razmyshleniia istorika [Domestic background of violence. Literary reflexions of a historian]. Istoricheskaia psikhologiia i sotsiologiia istorii [Historical psychology and sociology of history]. Moscow, 2008, no 1, pp. 33–49. (In Russ.) 2 Igraem s nachala [First positions]], Moscow, 2016, no 2 (140). (In Russ.) 3 Notatnik Teatralny. Wrocław, 2004, no 32/33. (In Polish) 4 Seradzki Yacek. Teatr wahadła i nerwów. Odra. Wrocław, 2016, no 9, pp. 97–98. (In Polish) 5 Slowacki Juliusz. Ja Orfeusz. Liryki i fragment z lat 1836–1849. Warszawa, 1974. 186 p. (In Polish)
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