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Author(s): Kovalev A. B.
Section: History of Arts
Year: 2016
Issue: № 4 (42)
Pages: 208-221
Index UDK: УДК 783.6
Index BBK: ББК 85.31
Abstract: Choral Vespers cycle refers to the traditional genres of Russian sacred music, that is to genres usually associated with services traditional of the Orthodox Church services. In the work of two greatest composers of the turn of XX–XXI centuries G. P. Dmitriev and V. A. Uspensky this genre is characterized by complex and contradictory interaction of individual liturgical and artistic spheres. This interaction is due to the cultural and political context of the revival of Orthodox Culture in Russia in the late XX century, features of musical thinking of secular composers of the late XX century, who turned to the genre of Russian sacred music. Tradition and innovation in a genre of Vigil are considered at the level of the musical incarnation of liturgical singing-chanting structure, melodic and harmonic language, music organization of the liturgical cycle. The findings suggest that the choral cycles Vigil of G. P. Dmitriev and V. A. Uspensky to a varying degrees, very indirectly related to the liturgical-singing tradition. They retained the canonical structure of the traditional genre; individual creative approach covers the area of melodic and harmonic language works, the organization of choral cycle. As far as expressive means are concerned, these works tend to be more non-liturgical, which consists in introducing the different sections of the population with different attitude towards confession`s matters and origins of our national culture.
Keywords: choral cycle, Russian sacred music, spiritual music, genre, tradition, “znamenny” chant.
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