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Author(s): Lazarescu О. G.
Section: Philological sciences
Year: 2016
Issue: № 4 (42)
Pages: 135-142
Index UDK: УДК 82-94
Index BBK: ББК 83.3(2=411.2)+ 82.3(2=411.2)
Abstract: The paper was supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities, grant № 15-04-00494 “N. М. Karamzin. Encyclopedic dictionary.” Abstract: Karamzin introduces to the palette of literary genres those ones that basically are not literary, e.g. letters, historiographic works, journal articles, etc. Their functioning as literary genres is largely determined by the use of a folkloric element with inherent moral law reproducing the “spirit of a nation,” its character, the level of cultural development at any given historical moment. Most evidently this is displayed in “History of the Russian State,” where a bare fact, representing an absolute value for Karamzin as a historian, becomes “encircled” by plenty of details in the form of word-of-mouth legends, stories, sagas, fairy tales, proverbs etc., having a common definition of “basnoslovie” (fabling). Karamzin moves from the mythological layer that forms the moral standard to a historical fact, and vice versa. “Basnoslovie” (fabling) is essential for him, because it is exactly the latter and not the fact itself, that establishes the moral norm. Karamzin clearly distinguishes history from “fairy tale” or “novel,” but perceives them as posthumous repository for the spirit of great historical figures. In “History…,” due to the use of folkloric elements, facts and fables become intertwined, “novel and life” are equalized and reinforce each other.
Keywords: history, folklore, tradition, genre, novel, legend, proverb, story, fact, myth.
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