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Author(s): Sergeeva V. S.
Section: Philological sciences
Year: 2016
Issue: № 4 (42)
Pages: 151-162
Index UDK: УДК 82.3
Index BBK: ББК 83.3(2)
Abstract: The theme of the Decembrist uprising has drawn many authors’ attention since this literary tradition was founded by N. A. Nekrasov (“Russian Women” and “The Grandfather”) and the subject itself came into general literary and cultural use. Special attitude towards Russian history of the 19th century is well seen at the turn of the century, in the days of symbolism, and later, in Soviet literature. This report concerns the D. S. Merezhkovsky’s novel “Alexander the First,” also “Northern Lights” (“Severnoe syjanie”) by M. Marich and “I Shall Never Forget Anyone” (“Nikogda nikogo ne zabudu”) by S. Rassadin, that deal with the history of the Decembrists, especially with the Southern Society. There is a special and close relationship between author and data in historical prose. Depicting this or that historical event, the author can pursue different purposes, namely, of comparing it with something chronologically closer, or assigning an algorithm for his readers, or analyzing the event from the characters’ point of view. Studying a historical novel, we can often see how a historical episode is refracted in contemporaries’ memory and reception as well as in the reception of future generations.
Keywords: Russian literature, Soviet literature, history, fiction, historicism, Decembrists, Decembrists` myth.
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