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Author(s): Ivanov D. I.
Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2016
Issue: № 4 (42)
Pages: 41-51
Index UDK: УДК 008.001
Index BBK: ББК 71.4
Abstract: Russian rock text is a polysubtextual (synthetic) entity formed through genetic fusion of the verbal, music, articulation and image components. In terms of the author’s cultural linguistics theory, the unity and distinctive features of the rock text are determined by synthetic lingual personality the structure of which is built up in accordance with a cognitive and pragmatic programme, a kind of conceptual matrix. The particular logocentric model of synthetic lingual personality was formed during the Russian rock ‘heroic’ epoch. Within this model, the synthetic subject is perceived as God (a prophet) who brings the word of truth and hope. This article is devoted to general issues of shaping of synthetic lingual personality in the rock culture; it introduces the notion of ‘stage model’ and offers an analysis of its initial stage. The logocentric model structure is formed on the basis of cognitive interaction between two types of subjects: the source subject and the interpreting subject. The source subject (the one producing the cognitive and pragmatic programme) is dominant, but perceiving mind gets involved as well into associative and interpretative level structure and becomes an SLP constitutive element. It is the initial stage of the collective subject (rock group) shaping and of the generation of cognitive and pragmatic programme common for all the subject entities (authors / performers, etc.) that plays a special role in the stage model of shaping of logocentric synthetic lingual personality structure. In the context of logocentric synthetic lingual personality modelling, formation of a rock group is determined not so much by professional qualities of the rock group potential participants, as by the degree of spiritual affinity and by their desire to implement a common integral cognitive and pragmatic programme. The original CPP of a rock group is usually generated on the basis of existing ones that have already gotten a ‘universal’ status in culture. The source subject producing the CPP can be represented either by the texts` author or by the rock group`s frontman (if these are not the same person) who is identified by the audience not only with the lyrics` author, but also with the author of the rock songs`s music component.
Keywords: synthetic rock text, synthetic lingual personality, cognitive and pragmatic programme, logocentric model, source subject, interpreting subject.
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