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Author(s): Andrianova I. S.
Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2016
Issue: № 4 (42)
Pages: 52-70
Index UDK: УДК 008+929.5
Index BBK: ББК 71+63.214
Abstract: The article reveals the history of relationships between the widow of the great Russian writer, Anna Dostoevskaya, and the Imperial House of Russia between 1881 and 1913. The study is based on her files (notebooks, letters) that were not introduced into scientific circulation before. These materials as well as her memoirs, first published in full in 2015, are kept in the manuscript divisions of the Russian State Library and the Institute of Russian literature, in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art. Anna Dostoevskaya's contacts with Romanovs occurred primarily in the context of her commemorative and charitable activity aimed at perpetuating her husband`s name. These activities took various forms: the publication of Dostoyevsky’s writings, sending them to the libraries of Russia, creating the Museum room of Dostoevsky with his archival documents for admirers of the writer, the organization of a parochial school named after Dostoyevsky and many others. Applying to the Imperial House for assistance, the widow of the writer did not look for any benefits for herself except memorializing Dostoevsky, caring for the future of her family and the benefit of Russia. The article based on documentary sources provides new facts not only about Dostoevsky family but about the interests and charitable activity of Emperor Alexander III, Grand Dukes Konstantin and Dmitry Konstantinovich, Vladimir Alexandrovich; considers the role of the Imperial House in formation of the writer’s reputation after his death and in commemoration work.
Keywords: Feodor Dostoyevsky, Anna Dostoyevskaya, Alexander III, Nicolas II, Konstantin Romanov, Dmitry Romanov, Vladimir Romanov, charity, Russian archives.
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