Title of the article:

WHAT A SHEET OF PAPER CAN TELL (based on the Sofia kit of Great Minaion Reader of Metropolitan Macarius) 


Evgeniy A. Lyakhovitsky

Denis O. Tsypkin

Mikhail A. Shibaev

Information about the author/authors

Evgenij A. Lyakhovitsky — PhD in History, Russian National Library, Sadovaya Str., 18, 191069 St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: stoglav@bk.ru 

Denis O. Tsypkin — PhD in History, Associate Professor, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya emb., 7–9, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: d.tsypkin@spbu.ru 

Michail A. Shibaev — PhD in History, Russian National Library, Sadovaya St., 18, 191069 St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: michailshibaev@mail.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 46


Pp. 27-38


June 15, 2017

Date of publication

December 15, 2017

Index UDK


Index BBK

83.3(2Рос=Рус)4 + 63.3(2)43


Consumer properties of the paper of ancient Russian manuscripts and their importance to studies of ancient literacy are at the center of the actual study with a focus on the Sophian kit of The Great Minaion Reader of Metropolitan Macarius. The paper explores numerous types of paper used in this monument with respect to their thickness, uniformity, lumen, visibility of the watermark, the presence of inclusions, texture, estimated through the degree of gloss, and several other parameters. The author concludes that in The Sophian kit we can see the reflection of two seriously differing stages — the first one dedicated to collecting of working materials and the second one, when for some reason these working materials were used as the basis set, intended for contribution into the Novgorodian St. Sophia Cathedral. Another conclusion is that the ancient scribe clearly saw the relationship between paper quality and nature of the work, which allows to use the quality characteristics of paper as a marker of attitude of the scribe towards text in hand.


Ancient Russian culture and literature, handmade paper, The Great Minaion Reader, сodiсology.


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