Title of the article:



Irina E. Koznova, Sergey A. Nikolsky

Information about the author/authors

Irina E. Kozniva, DSc in History, Leading Researcher of Department of Philosophy of Culture, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Goncharnaya St., 12, build. 1, 109240 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: i.koznova@mail.ru

Sergey A. Nickolsky, DSc in Philosophy, Chief Research Fellow, Head of Department of Philosophy of Culture, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Goncharnaya St., 12, build. 1, 109240 Moscow,  Russia. E-mail: s-nickolsky@yandex.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 43


Pp. 52-69


April 26, 2016

Date of publication

March 15, 2017

Index UDK

37. 017.4

Index BBK



The formation of the concept of the collective whole, part of which are representations of the past, is an integral aspect of the Soviet period`s culture. Bolshevik’s project of a new society was originally oriented toward the break with the national past, but showed interest in those its aspects which associated the Russian Revolution with appropriate world events. In the course of the socialist construction, the policy of the past has undergone a transformation. Reformatting of the past`s image was carried out in keeping with the doctrine of nationalstate patriotism, but the class approach still retained its value.


culture, politics, history, social consciousness, revolution, internationalism, patriotism.


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