Title of the article:



Mariya V. Genchenkova

Information about the author/authors

Mariya V. Genchenkova — PhD in Art History, Associate Professor, The Academy of Choral Art name V. S. Popov, 2, Festivalnaya St., 2, 125565 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: info@axu.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 44


Pp. 180–188


February 14, 2017

Date of publication

June 15, 2017

Index UDK


Index BBK



The personality of Sergiy Trubachev is multifaceted. As a musician, he was an ecclesiastical composer, pianist, musicologist, opera and symphony conductor, who devoted himself to this complex activity, as well as a teacher who brought up more than one generation of students. The hymns of the deacon Sergiy Trubachev reveal the meaning of the canonical texts of the Russian Orthodox Church. The development of the composer's personality was influenced by circumstances of his life. His father Zosima Vasilyevich Trubachev was canonized by the Church as a holy martyr. The Trubachev family had warm relations with famous figures of Russian intelligentsia, especially with the families of Florensky and Favorsky, whose creativity and spiritual quest led to their undoubted contribution into the development of culture in our country. Hard life circumstances and experience of his father's arrests, and later — events of the Great Patriotic War and military service — also contributed to the formation of a solid, strong, versatile nature of the future composer. During the years of teaching at the GnesinInstitute, he wrote training programs, articles, methodological works devoted to the conductor's performance. These works give us an idea of Trubachev as a teacher. Later articles address the problems connected with a spiritual culture. In addition,Trubachev dedicated a number of articles to the memory of P. Florensky. This literary and scientific creativity allows for better understanding and appreciation of composer Sergiy Trubachev`s personality.


Sergiy Trubachev, Pavel Florensky, church music, church composer, conducting, conductor.


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