Title of the article:



Natalia S. Zhirtueva

Information about the author/authors

Natalia S. Zhirtueva — DSc in Philosofy, Professor, Sevastopol State University, Humanities Institute, Universitetskaya St., 33, 299053 Sevastopol, Russia. E-mail: zhr_nata@bk.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 44


Pp. 21–31


March 26, 2017

Date of publication

June 15, 2017

Index UDK


Index BBK



The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Hasidism in the context of comparative analysis of mystical traditions of the world. The methodology of the study is a comparative philosophical and religious analysis, carried out in two main directions; 1. The study of universal ideas of mystical teachings. 2. The study of individual features of mystical traditions of the world. The mystical doctrine of Hasidism is characterized by the following ideas: 1. Apophatic doctrine of the ideal Absolut. 2. A person belongs to the Spiritual World and the Phenomenal World which contributes to the development of two types of consciousness — egocentric and enlightened. 3. Egocentric consciousness is the source of suffering of man. 4. Mystical experience is accompanied by transition from egocentric to enlightened consciousness. 5. The aim of mystical practice is the “unity” with the Absolute (devekut). The analysis of individual features of Hasidism is realized according to the three essential attitudes: 1. The substance of the Absolute. 2. The intersubordination of ideal and phenomenal beings. 3. The methods of mystic phychopractice. The uniqueness of Hasidism is based on combining of the features of immanent, immanent and transcendent mysticism. Hasidism is typologically close simultaneously to Western and Eastern mystical teachings. Kabbalah has Gnostic orientation, whereas the orientation of Hasidism is social and moral. The main methods of Hasidism psychopractice are love-trust and meditative contemplation of Absolut, disciplinary asceticism, psychosomatic exercise. That said Hasidism is an integrative mystical tradition.


Hasidism, immanent and transcendent mysticism, Absolute, egocentric consciousness, enlightened consciousness, integrative tradition, psychopractice.


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