Title of the article:



Mikhail K. Mosienko

Information about the author/authors

Mikhail K. Mosienko — PhD in Philosophy, Senior Lecturer, Siberian Federal University, Svobodny Prospekt, 79, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia. E-mail: mmk1100@mail.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 47


Pp. 93-99


June 26, 2017

Date of publication

March 15, 2018

Index UDK

177.63 + 008

Index BBK

87.1 + 71.0


The author analyses the ontological status and teleology of friendship viewed as a complex psychological and social phenomenon. The paper is to suggest a two-part model of friendship: the first part is an irrational core of friendship — unique psychological reality of subjective experience, the second part is a universal, rationally cognoscible periphery — social practices of friendship. Causally friendship is defined as a bio-social adaptation. The author hypothesizes that friendship can also be examined in teleological terms — from the perspective of its purpose. From this point of view friendship is perceived as a desirable state of humanity’s psychological frame in future.


ontology, teleology, friendship, ethics, society, subject, interpersonal relationships.


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