Title of the article:



Natalya S. Murashova

Information about the author/authors

Natalya S. Murashova — PhD in History of Arts, Assistant Professor, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Viluiskaya St., 28, 630079 Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: 2107542@mail.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 47


Pp. 51-65


July 04, 2017

Date of publication

March 15, 2018

Index UDK

398.88 + 008

Index BBK

86.372.81 + 83.3(2Рос=Рус)


Old believers’ period in history of spiritual verse begins soon after the Church split in the 17th century and continues up to the present days. The article aims to define the background of the spiritual verse`s introduction into Old believers’ community and the methods of its adaptation for changed sociocultural conditions. Basing on the analysis of modes of existence particularities, specific character of repertoire formation and development, stylistics, and methods of text transmission the paper detects following five stages revealing the evolution of Old believers’ outliturgical spiritual chants over a period of the 17th — the 21th centuries: 1) the second half of the 17th — the beginning of the 18th centuries: introduction of spiritual verse into Old believers’ community and its adaptation to culture of Modern Age; 2) the second third of the 18th — the 19th centuries: final formation and rise of meta-genre of Old believers’ spiritual verse; 3) the beginning of the 20th century: popularization of Old believers’ spiritual verse because of collecting, publication and concert performance of its samples by Old believers; 4) the 20th century (Soviet times): underground existence of spiritual verse and diminishing of performing repertoire; 5) the turn of the 20th — the 21st centuries: revival of spiritual verse, appearance of new distribution channels, formation of consistent repertoire independent of the region. The spiritual verse continues to be a modern phenomenon reflecting vicissitudes of historical and sociocultural dynamics of Old Belief. For the purpose of its conservation and development the Old believers noted originally oral samples, which led to appearance of such type of bookishness as collecting of verses, and used new systems of versification and stylistic characters of music and poetic genres emerging as part of evolution of artistic creation, which resulted in expanding of genres of outliturgical spiritual singing.


spiritual verse, Old Believers, evolution of outliturgical spiritual singing, interaction of folklore and book traditions, repertoire, collection of verses.


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