Title of the article:



Grigоriy A. Balykhin

Mikhail G. Balykhin

Marina S. Netesina 

Information about the author/authors

Grigoriy A. Balykhin — DSc in Economy, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Deputy, State Duma of the Russian Federation, Okhotny Ryad Str., 1, 103265 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Balykhin@duma.gov.ru

Michael G. Balyhin — DSc in Economy, Rector, Moscow State University of Food Production, Volokolamskoe highway, 11, 125080 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: 9684176@gmail.com

Marina S. Netesina — PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Chair of language communication, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A. I. Evdokimov, Russia, Delegatskaya Str., 20/1, 127473 Moscow, Russia.
E-mail: netesinam@mail.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 48


Pp. 19-28


November 15, 2017

Date of publication

June 15, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



Connotations have ethnic and cultural specificity and historically mobile. In Soviet times the word emigrant contained pejorative connotation “traitor of the motherland” and in this sense was used by the authors of works of art. In West-European-and Russian-language press and literature (mainly due to the mass migration of immigrants from Muslim countries) in the post-Soviet period the word immigrant has acquired a negative connotation. Actively used in modern language the word migrant is not neutral as well. Interesting and promising direction for further research is the analysis of the semantics of the concepts of migrants in the national picture of the world modern literature.


concept of “migrant”, national picture of the world, connotative elements of meaning, texts of modern literature.


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