Title of the article:



Nina V. Trofimova

Information about the author/authors

Nina V. Trofimova — DSc in Philology, Professor, Moscow State University of Education (MPSU), M. Pirogovskaya Str., 1/1, 119991 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: nvt.df@yandex.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 48


Pp. 137–150


December 15, 2017

Date of publication

June 15, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



The purpose of the article is to systematize the material of biblical quotes of various types, used in military narrations, included in the chronicles of the XIV–XV centuries (Laurentian, Ipatiev, Novgorod First and Forth, Sofia First, Rogozhsky, Moscow 1479) and to test using their example some theoretical statements suggested by modern medievalists. The study showed that the biblical texts are used unevenly in the chronicle military narrations, so that the greatest number of them are included in the texts depicting the events of the late XIV – early XV centuries. The theory of “biblical thematic keys” by R. Piccio can rarely been implied to military narrations: as a rule, quotations in the texts are scarce, if present at all. Most of the quotations express the idea of relationship of historical events with God's Providence. A set of motifs is connected with this idea, each of them is being formed by using the circle of biblical texts. There is a group of repeated quotes and texts appearing in a single case. Quotes are cited exactly or in paraphrase, and are introduced in a different way. We find most of them concentrated in the author's speech and prayers of the characters, and their functions stretch from confirmation of the thoughts of a scribe to amplification of the emotional expressiveness of the text. The repertoire of quotations usually does not go beyond the texts included in liturgical books. This fact confirms the idea advocated by M. Garzaniti, that the liturgical texts are the source of the biblical quotes.


military narration, a chronicle, a Bible quote, paraphrase, ways of introducing of quotes, functions of quotes, the theory of “biblical thematic keys” by R. Piccio, repeated motifs and quotes.


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