Title of the article:



Natalija A. Segal

Anna N. Mishchenko

Information about the author/authors

Natalija A. Segal — PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Vernadsky Ave, 4, 295007, Simferopol, Russia. E-mail: natasha-segal@mail.ru;

Anna N. Mishchenko — post-graduate student of the Department of Russian, Slavic and General Linguistics, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Vernadsky Ave, 4, 295007, Simferopol, Russia. E-mail: anutik-anutik18@mail.ru. 


Philological sciences




Vol. 49


Рp. 211–222


January 27, 2018

Date of publication

September 15, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK

82.3(0)3 + 76


The purpose of the paper is to highlight features of creating Crimea`s image in the Russian-language media in 2014–2017. As the study shows the “Crimean issue” remains the object of analysis and discussions for many scholars. The author points out to an important role in the metaphorization of the Crimean realities played by the ancient Greek myths.  The importance of the systematization of cognitive mechanisms in structuring political discourse determined the need to describe nominations from ancient Greek mythology as one of the ways of creating the image of Crimea in Russian-language media texts. The appeals to sustainable designs from ancient Greek mythology in political media allowed us to express figuratively the evaluation of political actions and events, displaying data with structural-semantic and pragmatic transformations. The source of the analyzed data are Russian-language texts, reflecting various political views and ideological attitudes that gave an opportunity of providing an objective picture of the political events in Crimea. The material analyzed demonstrates that the mass media discourse uses verbal messages in the shape of transformed precedent units serving as an indicator of social-political and social-economic changes on the peninsula. On the basis of mass-media texts of political orientation, the paper reveals the specificity of establishing the image of Crimea in the texts of Russian-language political media. The author draws on mass-media texts of political orientation in order to identify specificity of the creation of Crimea`s image in the texts of Russian-language political media.


political text, political discourse, political communication, media communication, metaphor, connotation.


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