Title of the article: |
Author(s): |
Tatyana V. Toporova |
Information about the author/authors |
Tatyana Vladimirovna Toporova — DSc in Philology, Leading Research Officer, The Institute of linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Bolshoy Kislovsky per., 1, building 1, 125009 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: t1960@list.ru |
Section |
Philological sciences |
Year |
2018 |
Volume |
Vol. 49 |
Pages |
Рp. 223–237 |
Received |
January 30, 2018 |
Date of publication |
September 15, 2018 |
Index UDK |
398.8 |
Index BBK |
82.3(2Рос=Рус)-6 |
Abstract |
The author's purpose is to study designations of the road, path in the Russian bylinas. The linguistic analysis is preceded by the short characteristic of the studied concept in folklore (cf. figures of калики перехожие) and especially within the chosen genre (its role in composition and structure of bylinas). To understand the principles of distribution of various designations of the road, path a specially developed scheme of the description including a set of certain parameters is applied. The complex analysis provides accounting of the contexts fixing this or that interpretation of the denotat, the number of word usage, grammatical information (gender; number; case), the etymologies capable to updating in certain cases, word formations, compositions with participation of designation of the road, path as the first or second element of a composite, synonyms, antonyms, hyperonyms, hyponyms, associative complexes with nouns and verbs, posessors of the road, path, attributes, quantifiers and predicates of the road, path as subject, object, locus, direction, purpose, tool, metaphor, parallel constructions, a sound game (a rhyme, alliteration, repetitions), mythological motives and stories in which the nominations of the road, path appear, marking the most relevant functions of denotat in the epic model of the world uniting three stages — chaos, space, a rekosmization, secondary strengthening of the world order peculiar to space. |
Keywords |
Russian epic poems, epic word, distribution, frequency, case paradigm, composit, syntactic function, mythology. |
References |
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