Title of the article:



Victor D. Uvarov

Margarita V. Reshetova

Igor S. Murashkin 

Information about the author/authors

Victor D. Uvarov — Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, DSc in Art, Professor, Plekhanov`s Russian University of Economics, Stremyanny per., 36, 117997 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: artuwaroff@yandex.ru

Margarita V. Reshetova — PhD in Art Нistory, Associate Professor, Head of Department of design, Moscow State Institute (University) of Culture, Bibliotechnaya St., 7, 141406 Khimki, Russia. E-mail: mio-margo@mail.ru

Igor S. Murashkin — Lecturer, A. N. Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art), Sadovnicheskaya St., 33–1, 117997 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: inngvar@gmail.com


History of Arts




Vol. 49


Рp. 268–276


February 23, 2018

Date of publication

September 15, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



This paper studies synthetic language of carpet making, which absorbed specific Mid Asia technologies, European trends and native Russian folk techniques. Analysis of the genesis of tapestry decorative traditions, costume and accidental fonts is provided in terms of transformations of symbolic and aesthetic components from ancient Egypt and antique Greek-Roman culture till the present time. Design of the objects of the tapestry is based on the typology derived by V. D. Uvarov (types of “subordination”, “equality”, “counteraction”). The interconnection of tectonic characteristics of the interior architecture with the tapestry`s art form is carried out according to a number of principles, the most significant of which is the creation of an architectural form or tectonic structure that does not really exist in the interior, but of its virtual image; search for the illusion of a smooth flowing of spaces by means of destroying monumental forms of the interior architecture` tectonics. The author determines key function and bidirectionality of accidental graphic sign. On the one hand, it accommodates form creating lines and forms of surrounding objects, on the other all these lines and forms are used by creative imagination for generation of new artifacts. The latter generate cultural space, being one of the key elements of the system, maintaining national and cultural identity. 


tapestry, costume and accidental font synthetic language, creative artifacts, transformation, form creation, house style, design (styling) education, native art culture.


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