Title of the article:



Tatiana V. Belko

Nikolai P. Beschastnov

Valery P. Ovsyannikov

Vadim N. Yakunin

Information about the author/authors

Tatyana V. Belko — DSc in Technical Sciences, Professor, Volga Region State University of Service, Gagarin St., 4, 445677 Togliatti, Russia. E-mail: belko@tolgas.ru

Nikolai P. Beschastnov — DSc in Arts, Professor, A. N. Kosygin Russian State University, Sadovnicheskaya St., 33, p. 1, 117997 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: npb.art@mail.ru

Valery P. Ovsyannikov — DSc in History, Professor, Volga Region State University of Service, Gagarin St., 4, 445677 Togliatti, Russia. E-mail: valera-ovsyannikov@rambler.ru

Vadim N. Yakunin — DSc in History, Professor, Volga Region State University of Service, Gagarin St., 4, 445677 Togliatti, Russia. E-mail: vadyak@mail.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 50


pp. 314–327


December 26, 2017

Date of publication

December 28, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper attempts to provide a brief description of Russian culture as a self-organizing system and determine the mechanisms for preservation of identity in a provincial traditional culture. The authors come up with a premise about the importance of preservation and renovation of the Orthodox architectural heritage for maintaining spiritual and cultural processes and development of domestic religious tourism. They also define historical and cultural as well as artistic characteristics of a number of objects of Orthodox religious tourism of the Samara region, such as Iversky women's convent and Pokrovsky Cathedral in Samara, the Holy Mother of God of Kazan monastery in Vinnovka and examine the impact of religious buildings on cultural landscape. In general, as the authors of the paper conclude, the renovation of the architectural heritage and religious tourism should help to restore the traditional image of the region in contemporary regional culture.


Renovation of the Orthodox architectural heritage, Russian architecture, culture, religious tourism, pilgrimage, monasteries and churches of the Middle Volga region.


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