Title of the article:



Yuliana G. Pykhtina

Petr А. Yakimov

Мargarita А. Коnova

Information about the author/authors

Yuliana G. Pykhtina — DSc in Philology, Assistant Professor, Orenburg State University, Pobedy Ave., 13, 460018 Orenburg, Russia. E-mail: yuliana.pykhtina@gmail.com

Piotr A. Yakimov — PhD in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Pushkinskaya St., 18, 460014 Orenburg, Russia. E-mail: pyhtina-2008@mail.ru

Margarita A. Konova — PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor, Orenburg Branch of The Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Yunyh Lenincev St., 20, 460047 Orenburg, Russia. E-mail: margaret_konova@yahoo.com


Philological sciences




Vol. 50


pp. 229–245


November 21, 2017

Date of publication

December 28, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



Being an integral component of the literary text, space is represented there in specific (a city, a house, a garden) or abstract (space, chaos, emptiness) images, its representative features depending on many factors – national or individual author's world building, modeled in the work, literary method, genus, genre, ideological and aesthetic tasks of the writer. In view of that fact, philologists, for the convenience of analysis, use various classifications of spatial images, based on given attributes and parameters. However, any consistent approach to the typological study of artistic space in literary criticism is yet to come. The relevance of this study bases on the need of developing a universal model for spatial analysis of the literary text. This kind of model will allow adequate interpreting not only of individual works, but also the features of literary process as a whole. In view of the foregoing, the main purpose of this paper is to construct a level model of typological research for space in fiction. The materials and main conclusions of this research may serve as a basis for spatial analysis of different works, genres, trends, epochs, and national literatures.


artistic space, spatial analysis, world building, national images, archetypal images, literary process.


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