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Title of the article: The motive of dissuasion in the lyric poetry by Е. А. Boratynsky
Author(s): Rudakova S. V.
Section: Issues of Philology
Year: 2013
Issue: № 1 (XXVII)
Pages: 63-70
Index UDK:
Index BBK:
Abstract: The paper considers the importance of the motive of dissuasion in the lyric poetry by Е. А. Boratynsky. Situations, in which the state of disappointment of Boratynsky`s lyric hero is most brightly shown, are revealed. It is proved that dissuasion of the lyric hero is not the result, but the intermediate stage of his spiritual evolution: the greater the disappointment, the more active is his search for something that is lost: faith, love and inspiration.
Keywords: The motive of dissuasion, disappointment, E. Boratynsky, melancholy, sorrow, despondency (dejection)
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