№ 1 (XXVII)

Issues of Culturology and Philosophy
Chernyaev A. V. Russian «scholar monks»: Archimandrite Cyprian (Kern) and protopresybter G. Florovsky
Selivanov A. V. Philosophical views of K. N. Leontyev in his creative works
Keychenko K. I. Verbal and real life reflections in human sciences
Rastorgueva E. V. Self-control: the imaginary freedom from external control and cultural aspects of identity
Issues of Culturology and History
Sitnikova S. A. The embodiment of the mythological formula «The sun in the branches of the world tree» in the Tver’s folk culture
Rulinsky V. V. «Historians’ Dispute» in Germany: the problem of responsibility for the Nazi crimes
Issues of Philology
Schelokova L. I. Mythological allusions in the journalism by L. M. Leonov, 1941–1945
Rudakova S. V. The motive of dissuasion in the lyric poetry by Е. А. Boratynsky
Issues of Theory of Art
Salimov A. M. The Temple of Our Lady Nativity in Gorodnya and the Problem of Its Dating
Florkovskaya A. K. Artists of «different art» and «action painting» by J. Pollock
Artemova E. G. The genre and the form of liturgical chants in the author’s creation of a New direction: tradition and interpretation
General Issues of Psychology
Shustova V. O. Ethnofunctional psychological approach to prevention of psychoactive substances abuse among students
Current Events in GASK
Tufanova O. A. V-th Slavic International Interdisciplinary Conference «ESTRIKA» (Slavic Culture: Roots and Crown) «Concepts in the history and culture of the Slavs»
Strakhovskaya I. G. Scientific heritage of A.S. Panarin and Xth Anniversary Panarin Conference «Russia’s Mission in the Modern World»
Our Grantees — students who are awarded scholarships by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation