№ 4 (XXII)

Problems of culturology and philosophy
Zimakova E. V. Anthropological meaning of eldership as spiritual traditional phenomenon
Kolosov A. S. Countercoulture as the basis for modern graffity phenomenon
Moiseev O. A. Creative work of Michael Ancharov: in the search of the ideal
Kuzmin M. A. Modernism in the culture of housing construction in Moscow in late XIX - early XX centuries
Strakhovskaya I. G. Culturological instruments of interdisciplinarity
Problems of culturology and history
Lomonosov M. Yu. Illirian myth in the interpretation of Slavic intellectuals from the Western Balkans (XV-XXI centuries)
Makarova I. F. The reform of Bulgarian education in the 60-s of XIX century and Tanzimat
Ponomarev A. M. The Foundation and Development of Holy Trinity Monastery of Boldino (last part)
Chizhikova A. S. Marriage ceremonial of Russian noblemen in the XIX century
Problems of philology
Moskovskaya D. S. On the problem of value position of Leonid Dobychin - the author of «The City NN»
Old Russian Literary heritage
Tufanova O. A. Female Images in the «Vremennik» of Ivan Timofeev
Problems of Art Theory and History
Salimov A. M.,
Romanov V. V.,
Romanova E. A.
Bishop of Tver Euthymios Vislen and the Church of St. Nicholas «over the stream»
Sitnikov V. I. Belts of Toropets: recreating the tradition
General Psychological Problems
Mikhailov M. A. Pathalogical craving for psychoactive substances: the addictological aspect
Rastorguev V. N. The review of the book «Flowers are hopes...» by I. K. Kuchmarva
Current Events in GASK
Zimakova E. V. XIV Saint Elizabeth Readings