№ 4 (ХХХ)

Issues of Culturology and Philosophy
Menyaeva M. P. The idea of concord in the context of the doctrine of all-unity of V. S. Solovyov
Golovanova E.V. Potential for prediction in the post-industrial theory by D. Bell
Issues of Culturology and History
Grushina A. F. Spiritual and cultural space of Archimandrite Boris (Kholchev) and his «practical psychology»
Gurchenko L. A. «Mezhduvod’e», «the nail ritual» and the sacred number eight as ethnic attributes of the Vends and Slavs
Pachos Yu. V. The cultural cooperation between Ukraine and Poland at the current stage
Issues of Philology
Shchelokova L. I. Empathy in Social Essays by L. Leonov in 1941–1944
Indychenko A. A. On the usage of Chech literary language by non-Chech people in the XIV–XVII centuries
Old Russian Heritage
Pervushin M. V. Comparative heroics: biblicalAbraham and Dmitry Donskoy
Issues of Theory of Art
Pozhidaeva G. A. Of typological differences of Byzantine and Old Russian musical notations
Badalov O. P. Сhoral culture of Chernigov eparchy: stages of its development in the XX century
Melnyk U. V. Colour in design of urban environment
General issues of Physchology
Pankova S. Y. Specifics of spatio-temporal model of the world of the ethnos formed in deverse geographic conditions
In Memoriam of Vladimir Zakharov
Mikheeva L. N. Russia was his Muse