№ 1 (XV)

Problems of culturology and philosophy
Barinova N. E.  The folk music tradition mastery as a way to keep ethnic language of culture
Sineokaya J. V.  Twofoldness of Europe in philosophy of Nietzsche
Kopnin A. A.  Migratory policy of Russia and Slavic countries in the modern educational space
Sitnikov V. I.  Possibility of actualization of popular nuptial traditions in modern culture
Sitnikova S. A.  Functions of the traditional spring-summer's rites in the contemporary culture of Tver Region
Problems of philology
Melnik V. I.  I. A. Goncharov and F. M. Dostoevsky
Radomskaya T. I. Naturalness and Tranquility in Russian National Tradition
Old Russian Literary heritage
Maksimov V. I. On poetic «naturalisms» in translations of «The Tale of Igor's Campaign»
General Psychological Problems
Kaz'min S. A.  Ideas of S. L. Rubinstein: activity approach to character study
Problems of Art Theory and History
Gribunina N. G. Christian cult action on the early stages of old Russia Christianization
The publication of one monument
Zamishlyaeva A. A.  Folk Costume of Ryzan Region in the Funds of Museum of State Academy of Slavic Culture
Scientific Life
XVIII International Christmas Readings: the conference «Attempt at the harmonization of secular and sacral education in Russia and abroad»
The chronicle of cultural life
The Exhibition of works from the Icon-painting and restoration workshop in State Academy of Slavic Culture (works presented by the students and the graduates of the Academy) and the icon-painting workshop in Sunday school at the Saint Boris and Gleb churc